Fully Enclosed Crates
IPSI understands that some of your products require wood crates, or boxes made for added protection during shipping. When deciding which crate is right for your product, IPSI will work with you to determine which fully enclosed crate is right for you. IPSI will look at the weight, dimensions, and value of your product. When securing your product within the crate for shipping, IPSI uses a wide variety of securing products, blocking, bolts, and steel strapping. If your product needs extra cushioning, IPSI can add support saddles, floating decks, and skid mates to help with the impact of shipping. IPSI’s sales and design teams will help you determine what cushioning and securing methods are needed.
IPSI knows that foreign countries require that all crates made of wood that are shipped from the U.S. need to be heat treated. IPSI uses ISPM 15 compliant wood on all fully enclosed crates. IPSI stamps all skids and crates with an ISPM 15 “bug stamp”. Your company will have the peace of mind knowing that your fully enclosed crate will meet all shipping standards whether domestic or international.